Sunday, March 31, 2013

What I like!

Hi there!
I know it's been a while but I've been collecting and doing things I love and I want to tell you about them.

First, I like Pokenmon.  It's just, they have a lot of fun stuff you can do on their website.

They have lots of fun games.  Here's a link to one of my favorites.  It's called Gastly Hidden Haunt.

Pokemon Gastly's Hidden Haunt

Another website I like is
They have games there, too.  Here's another I like: Spanish Vocabulary

Then there's this:

I went to Destination Imagination with my team.
My team's name is the Magical Rainbow Huskies.  Which I did not like that much, but that's what the team decided to be called.
Our assignment was to do Roy G. Biv's birthday.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Today's post is about the things you need for a successful school year.

1)  Backpack - this helps you bring stuff to and from school; homework, school papers, books.  Decorate your backpack with keychains to make it look really cool.

2)  Lunch Box - This allows you to carry your lunch to school.  My favorite lunch is peanut butter and jell (strawberry!).

3)  School Supplies - this helps you to do your work every day.  Things like markers, pencils...

4)  Shoes - to protect your feet and help you play games.

My favorite parts of school are science, recess, and playing in the gaga pit.

Drew's Birthday Finder

There are many places to go when you want to celebrate your birthday.  Here are a few of my favorites.

Chuck E. Cheese:

This is a place my dad used to go when he was a little boy.  It's called Farrell's -

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Help Save Black Jaguars From Poachers.

Black jaguars are being killed by poachers.  We need money to help save the black jaguars or they will be dead.  they are distinct.  A lot of them are being killed.

Here is some information about Black Jaguars in the Amazon:

Black jaguars are special animals.  They are near being on the list of endangered species.

Here are some details about their characteristics:

  • 8 of 10 in Intelligence
  • 8 of 10 in Agility
  • 7 of 10 in Strength
  • 8 of 10 in Speed
  • 7 of 10 in Attack
  • 7 of 10 in Endurance
If you want to help save the jaguars here are some places where you can learn more, or make a donation: